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Bylaws Updates

01 Mar 2015 8:36 PM | Anonymous member


Dear NORCAL BMW Members,
The Board of Directors (BOD) for Election Year 2014-2015 are undertaking to revise the Bylaws in phases.  The first phase is designed to ensure that the descriptions of Club Officer duties accurately reflect the position.  To implement these revisions, the BOD used two guiding principles to revise the Club Officer Position descriptions:  

1. Make the current officer descriptions reflect the reality of what each officer actually does, either by revising the position description itself, or by bringing back into each officer’s fold, the duties that the current bylaws indicate they should be doing.

2. To make each office as turnkey as possible by providing adequate and accurate information as to what each board position entails, so that when new board members are elected, the bylaws description will be as accurate of a guide as possible.

The BOD plans to continue reviewing the bylaws and consider other needed changes necessary to make the bylaws as accurate as possible regarding the club’s current actual practice and operation. 

With the above in mind, please note that the following are verbatim excerpts from the current Bylaws that cover the duties of each club officer, and that all suggested changes to the position description changes are noted in red font.

We ask all club members to consider these changes, for they will be submitted to the membership at the March 2015 Death Valley meeting for a vote.

The following link contains the exact wording of the bylaws.

Bylaw revisions

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