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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

Treasurer's Report

16 Nov 2015 1:19 PM | Anonymous member

Still glowing from Oktoberfest?   Great location, food and volunteer teamwork made the Oktoberfest 2015 one to remember!  No significant events on the financial side.  The BOD is working with Tom Connolly, our 2016 49'er Rally Chair, to develop the budget and the underlying list of activities for the event.  Our state and federal taxes need to be filed prior to November 15th (ugh...)  Russ Drake graciously volunteered to publish the club directory for 2016 and we download all the member data from the new club website.  Speaking of which, we cut over to the new site on November 1st.  The initial release looks familiar but with added features: member logon, access to confidential club documents (meeting minutes and financial records), member directory, view purchase and payment history and more!   Buddy Scauzzo (Advertising Chair) has offered to update the banner photos more frequently.  Ed Perry (Historian) and Rick Klain are collaborating to bring to life the club history with lots of photos, videos and old documents.  If you are interested in helping with the website this is a great time to get your hand up!  If you have questions about the club finances shoot me an email at and wherever you ride, think safe!

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