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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

Tour Captain's Report, by Ted Crum

08 Jan 2016 18:17 | Anonymous member

Happy New Year!  Longer days for longer rides.

Thanks again to Joyce for leading the November (Dec 5) ride to Plaskett Creek while I steamed across the Atlantic. And thanks to Fred Montano for writing the trip report. Word is that it was a nice spot, and we’ll keep it in mind.

The January 30 meeting will be at Arroyo Seco Park group camp in Los Padres National Forest. We haven’t used that convenient winter-spring site since the 2013 freeze out because of fire restrictions. This (wetter) year, fires are allowed in designated campfire areas. I will lead the ride, starting at Flames Coffee Shop, 7170 Santa Teresa Blvd, San Jose; Breakfast at 8:00, engines at 9:00. Dress warm and watch the web site and Meetup for late weather-related news.

The Feb 27 meeting will be at Fremont Peak SP. March will take us to Furnace Creek, where we have 2 group sites and 2 individual sites for Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights; the meeting is on Saturday, Mar 26.

The April 23 meeting will be at Black Butte Lake, near Orland (not Lassen); I’m hoping to see some water in the lake. May brings the 49er in Mariposa.

The June election meeting will be at Calaveras Big Trees, near Arnold. I won’t be seeking a third term, but I will provide the new captain with camping reservations at least through the Oktoberfest.

Enjoy the ride!

Ted Crum, Tour Captain

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