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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

Plasket Creek Ride, Member Meeting & Campout!

  • 05 Dec 2015
  • 08:00
  • 06 Dec 2015
  • 11:00
  • Plasket Creek


  • Special price for members

Registration is closed

Plasket Creek GPX file

Scramble'z Plaskett Final Map 

Scramble'z Plaskett Final Directions 

The monthly campout is this Saturday, December 5 in Plaskett Creek Campground in the Big Sur area. The Latitude, Longitude location coordinates are 35.55.2 N and 121.27.54 West.   The breakfast location  is Scramble'z Diner, 775 East Dunne Ave, Morgan Hill, CA.  Phone number there is 408-779-0779.  Meet there at 8am if you want breakfast for the ride and arrived fully fueled - there is a gas station right next to Scramble's and one across the street.  A GPX file for this ride will be posted later this week.  Ride leader Joyce Sampson apologizes for the delay in posting it.

Currently, the weather forecast for the Big Sur area is looking good at partly cloudy, 64/48 for the highs and lows on Saturday and 63/49 on Sunday with a chance of PM showers.    

There are no stores or restaurants in the immediate vicinity of Plaskett Creek.  So you will either need to bring your food with you before you come or pick some up.  The club ride will also make a gas/grocery store stop.   If you want to bring food with you before the ride, there is an "open 24 hours" Safeway across the street from the Scramble'z Diner at 840 East Dunne Ave, but if you choose to go there, make sure you do so before breakfast.   Call ahead to ensure they really are open before 8am.  408-776-8720.  

Regards and Looking forward to Seeing you on the ride!

Joyce Sampson
Ride Leader (December 2015 monthly campout)

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