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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

Holiday Party 2015

  • 19 Dec 2015
  • 18:00 - 22:00
  • Blue Pheasant 22100 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, 95104


Registration is closed

Location:  Blue Pheasant 22100 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, 95104

Date:  December 19th 6 PM. 

Cost:  $30

White Elephant Gift exchange after dinner.  $20 is the recommended cost.  Cash bar before dinner.

Food options:

  • Pasta Primavera served with fresh seasonal vegetables sauteed with garlic, fresh herbs, and white wine severed over linguine
  • Broiled Salmon:  Fresh king salmon broiled to perfection and topped with a fresh dill sauce
  • Chicken Bouna Donna:  sautéed boneless Brest of chicken with prawns and roasted red peppers in a sherry wine sauce.
  • Prime Rib of Beef:  Au jus served with fresh horseradish

Dinners include mixed green garden salad, potatoes or rice, fresh vegetables, French bread, and a desert.

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