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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

Member Only Clinic - Advanced Riders Class (TC ARC)!

  • 13 Oct 2018
  • 07:00 - 17:00
  • 2Wheel Safety Training - East Bay Location TBD
  • 0


Registration is closed

Welcome to BMW NorCal's next MOC!

This is open to Member only, as a way for the Club to enhance the member experience. This class is normally $350 but the club is covering $200! And, there is a BMW MOA Foundation scholarship for which you can apply to cover up part of the training. Click here for the application and directions on how to apply. 

The class location will be in the east bay but has not yet been determined. 

About the class:


Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic

The Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic is the most fun, effective way to improve riding skills for experienced riders in a safe, controlled environment. The internationally acclaimed curriculum is also used extensively by government agencies and the military to reduce crashes, accidents and fatalities.

Based on the best-selling book “Total Control” by national champion Lee Parks, the Advanced Riding Clinic takes all the advanced riding skills used by professional riders and breaks them down into easily learned lessons.

Unlike other training that teaches you riding TIPS, Total Control has a complete step-by-step TECHNOLOGY for riding that includes throttle control, braking, vision, line selection and body position.

It also features comprehensive psychological and suspension setup instruction.

This holistic approach to rider education includes physical, mental and mechanical training by highly trained instructors with world-class coaching skills. It’s the kind of information and decision-making tools that just may save your life one day.

The course includes both classroom and on-cycle instruction, and is based on the most current research in rider safety utilizing modern training methods.

Whether you ride a cruiser, tourer or sportbike, the Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic techniques adapt themselves to the individual rider. By the end of the day, participants are guaranteed to have:

  • A specific, measurable improvement in their riding
  • A better understanding of how their bikes work and how what they do affects their ability to maintain traction and control
  • The ability to recognize problems out on the road, know what the solution is, and be able to fix them on the fly

Join the thousands of motorcyclists who have already taken their riding to the next level with Total Control. Participants must have at least 3000 miles of street riding experience and a desire to reduce their risks through advanced skills development and a more thorough understanding of motorcycle dynamics.

The best part is how much fun you’ll have. The Clinics are done in one 9-hour day on your own motorcycle. The cost is normally $350, but BMW NorCal is paying for more than half! The amount you’ll learn is limited only by your willingness to get better. It’s also advisable to have read the book Total Control before you get there. Copies are available at fine bookstores and on this website.

So take your skills to a whole new level by signing up for a Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic today!


Be on location gassed up 30 minutes prior to class to get you checked in. We will start class promptly. 

There will be a lunch break around 12:30pm with food for purchase nearby, however we suggest you bring plenty of drinks and snacks.

Please check with your motorcycle insurance carrier as they might not cover any damages caused on any off roads/race tracks.

Contact Jorgen Larsen with questions at


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