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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

June Member Meeting (BOD Election) and Campout - Finnon Lake!

  • 29 Jun 2019
  • 17:00
  • Finnon Lake Campground, 9100 Rock Creek Road, Placerville, CA.


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

Due to the popularity of this campout we have extended the meal ordering period. The cut-off is Monday, June 24th. Register now and get your meal box checked!

It's election time so come join us at Finnon Lake for a great campout and cast your vote for the next Board of Directors. And, maybe even consider stepping up and volunteering for a position. The BOD is what makes the club work and it's run by fellow members volunteering to get things done. This year we are implementing staggered terms so only some of the Board positions will be up open for this election. Two positions are open for one year terms: President and Vice President. Three positions are up for two year terms: Secretary, Tour Captain, and Safety Director. 
This meeting will have dinner catered so show up ready to eat some great chow! We will also have cold beer for a small club donation. 

The breakfast / ride starts at Suisun Black Bear Diner. Breakfast is at 8 AM, the ride departs at 9 AM. 

.gpx route

GS Route Option

There is such great adventure riding in the El Dorado Forest we created a GS ride to the June club meeting. The ride will start at Nancy’s Café, 356 Elm Avenue in Auburn at 8 AM and depart promptly at  9 AM. Please arrive with a full tank of gas.  

The route is about 130 miles with a riding time of approximately 5 hours and include about 40 miles of unpaved forest roads suitable for most riders with basic comfort riding on unpaved roads, as well as outstanding paved roads.  You won't want to miss this ride if you enjoy riding off pavement. 

Time permitting we will stop at Uncle Tom’s Cabin for a quick refreshment. The only spot for gas or food on the route is in Foresthill which is about 90 minutes from the start so you might want to bring a few snacks as well as water.  

You can download the GS route wih the links below.

.gpx GS route  

link to Rever

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