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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

The Junction Charity Ride

  • 24 Oct 2020
  • 11:00 - 14:00
  • The Junction 47300 Mines Road,Livermore


Registration is closed


We recently learned that unfortunatley the Junction will be closing their doors on October 25th unless new owners are identified so this is turing into an unfortunate farewell ride.  Here is the announcement in case you missed it. So be sure and sign up give the team a good send off!.

If you ride a motorcycle in the Bay Area you know what a great stopping place the Junction in on Mines Road in Livermore.    The recent fires in the South Bay really hit them hard, heavily impacting their prime season.  The Club is holding a simple charity ride to the Junction for lunch.  The cost is $20 and you get a taco lunch and club sticker. 

There is no scheduled group ride to the Junction just show up at The Junction between 11 and 2 PM.  Riders can organize their own small groups depending on where they live and what time they want to ride.  Please be cautious on Mines Road.  The recent fires may have impacted visual markers you may have used in the past and there may be debris or gravel on the road.  The Club will have a table and banner set up where you can pick up your meal ticket and sticker.  Plus the junction will have an area of outside tables set up for us.  

Please be respectful of each other, maintain proper social distance and wear a mask if you are not eating or can not maintain the proper social distance. Also if you are not feeling well, have a temperature or think you might have been exposed to the Corona Virus you must stay home and we will refund your donation.  

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