Lets try this again! BMW of Northern California is headed to the BMW MOA National Rally in Great Falls Montana! The MOA is busy replanning the rally with proper health and safety protocals. There will be outstanding riding opportunities in the surrounding area along with the great hospitality of the MOA rally.
Be sure to check out the rally website and register. The club signup is only so we keep track of who is planning to attend. You need to register for the National Rally at the Rally Website. After you sign up visit the Volunteer Website to sign-up for various tasks. It's a great way to meet people and support the Rally.
We will have a dedicated camping spot for the Club and working on other club activities and hospitality in the next few months. If you are planning to attend, let us know by signing up. While we won't have a club sponsored ride to the event given the diversity in schedules and routes people want to take, if you are looking for a riding partner or two, we can use the sign up list to help riders coordinate.
Our Plan is to hold our June Election meeting at a location that can serve as a jumpting off point on your way to Great Falls. Look for signup for that event shortly.