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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

49er GS Clinic - with Blackswan Moto! (Friday "early" Clinic, Beginner to Intermediate)

  • 28 May 2021
  • 08:00 - 12:00
  • Mariopsa Fairgrounds


Registration is closed


We have teamed up with BlackSwan Moto to bring their world class training to the 49er Rally.  This signup is for the Beginner/Intermediate Clinic.  The class is limited to 10 people so you will get plenty of personalized training.  If you havent already signed up for the Rally, here is the link 2021 BMW NorCal 49er! 

BlackSwanMoto Beginner/Intermediate "Clinic" (Adventure Rider BASICS) 

Course Description

The instructor guides you through our time-tested Methodology: the essential set of off-road riding skills. Training begins with proper clutch, brake, and throttle control, followed by body positioning, starting, stopping, and skid management. Students learn, then practice, momentum and slow speed control, turns and directional changes, before moving onto applied exercises like trail riding, navigating terrain, and recovery techniques. You’ll achieve the confidence to ride effectively in the dirt and onto your next adventure.

Each clinic will be 4 hours and riders will get a comprehensive GS riding program designed to cover the basics and beyond. This the "early" clinic, designed for beginner to intermediate riders. This is followed by a guided trail ride from 2 PM to 5 PM. 

We are offering 2 clinics each day so make sure you register for the correct one. 

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