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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

The 2021 Range of Light Gypsy Tour Donation

  • 04 Sep 2021
  • 18:30
  • 05 Sep 2021
  • Orland
  • 128


Hey ROL Folks!

This year we are not doing cash donations for the cold drinks at the evening stops for the ROL. Instead we are taking online donations. Donations of $20 will get donors the 30th anniversary commemorative gel wristbands and access to the ROL cold drinks all weekend. This is a great deal! This is limited to the first 225 donors (and donors must be ROL registrants of course). There will also be an option to donate at the the Friday registration table but wristbands aren't guaranteed. 

Thanks and contact Nick with any questions at

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