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First Sunday Breakfast ride plus photo shoot for MOA Magazine

  • 02 Jan 2022
  • 08:00 - 12:00


Registration is closed

If you have a drone with a high quality camera it would be great if you bring it for a drone shot of the group.  It might make it into the MOA magazine.  

It's looking like the rain is gone for a bit so start the year off on the right foot with a breakfast ride!The BMW Norcal Club will be part of a full page add in the BMW MOA magazine announcing a matching fundraising program for chartered clubs that we helped get started.  The MOA is looking for a good club photo so as part of this ride we are going to end at a scenic outlook for the Golden Gate Bridge for a group photo.  The more riders for the photo the better.  

Breakfast is at Black Bear Diner in San Rafael  and heads out to the coast via Marshal Petaluma Road and South on Highway One ending up on a bluff overlooking the Golden Gate Bride for the group photo.  We plan to leave Black Bear at 9 AM so if you want breakfast show up by 8 AM.  Lets hope the weather is clear for an epic shot for the MOA magazine.  

Even if you cant make it for the ride come join us for the photo shoot. As a bonus we have a few raffle prizes to give awayWe are going to try for should shots along the scenic Conzolman Road but there may be too much traffic.  Its a one way road so we will organize at the juction of Baker Road and McCullough Road The GPS coordinates are 37.82960425476869, -122.48345457213021.  We should be there by 12 noon.  We will end up at the Presidio Yatch Club for another photo and the raffle.  A. See below for a links to a Rever route and GPX file.  Hope to see you for the ride and photo. 

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