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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

BMW NorCal Holiday Party - Oakland Yacht Club, Alameda

  • 16 Dec 2023
  • 17:30 - 21:30
  • Oakland Yacht Club
  • 3


Registration is closed

It's hard to believe but the Holiday Season is just around the corner and that means another great BMW NorCal Holiday Party!  Many thanks to Ted Crum for hosting us at the Oakland Yacht Club.  We will have a private room and no host bar for the event. The Club is covering more than half the cost for members.    Meet as early as 5:30 for drinks and chit chat, and dinner at 6:30. 

This year's menu will be buffet style with tri-tip, salmon, potatoes, vegetables, salad and dessert.  There is a vegetarian option. 

And don't forget to bring a White Elephant gift! Some go goofy, some go practical - and while we say to try to keep the cost to about $25, folks just do whatever they want. It's always a blast!

Note that since this is limited to members and your guests, you have to login with your member account to see the registration site and register. 

See you there!

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