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Four Trees Road

  • 02 Aug 2022 8:18 AM
    Reply # 12870663 on 12811813
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    HI guys --- had a super great time at the 49er rally and am now happy to be a club member in good standing!

    Being from Chico, I have ridden (and driven) up and down Hiway 70 countless times over the years and always wondered about Four Trees Road. I've heard it can be ridden all the way over to Bucks Lake Road, but also heard that some of the road goes thru some private property. 

    Have any of you ridden Four Trees Road? 


    Kim Gimbal

    Hey Kim, I too was at the 49er and took the beginner ADV class. I have a friend who has a cabin at Bucks Lake so I'm somewhat familiar with that area. So if you have a date in mind for Four Trees Road and would like some company please let me know and let's try to figure out a ride. I live in Campbell but up there every so often. Maybe sometime in September or early October? 
  • 02 Aug 2022 1:14 AM
    Reply # 12870279 on 12811813

    In 2012, I rode up Four Trees Road from Hwy. 70 just before Pulga Power Station to the staging ground on Bucks Lake Road.  I was on a small Honda 230CRF however.  It was a typical USFS road, two tracks, well-packed dirt with surface stones. Beautiful rich, dense forest. On a difficulty scale of 1-5, I would call it a 2. That was before the Dixie and North Complex Fires which decimated the area. They've probably cleared fallen trees by now as it is one of the more popular dirt roads. Call the Plumas National Forest headquarters in Quincy for updated road information.

    Last modified: 02 Aug 2022 1:15 AM | Anonymous member
  • 01 Aug 2022 11:35 AM
    Reply # 12869718 on 12852031
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    In 2012, I rode up Four Trees Road from Hwy. 70 just before Pulga Power Station to the staging ground on Bucks Lake Road.  I was on a small Honda 230CRF however.  It was a typical USFS road, two tracks, well-packed dirt with surface stones. Beautiful rich, dense forest. On a scale of 1-5, I would call it a 2. That was before the Dixie and North Complex Fires which decimated the area. They've probably cleared fallen trees by now as it is one of the more popular dirt roads. Call the Plumas National Forest headquarters in Quincy for updated road information. 

  • 09 Jun 2022 4:41 PM
    Message # 12811813

    HI guys --- had a super great time at the 49er rally and am now happy to be a club member in good standing!

    Being from Chico, I have ridden (and driven) up and down Hiway 70 countless times over the years and always wondered about Four Trees Road. I've heard it can be ridden all the way over to Bucks Lake Road, but also heard that some of the road goes thru some private property. 

    Have any of you ridden Four Trees Road? 


    Kim Gimbal

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