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Airflow seat cover addendum to August 2022 newsletter

  • 28 Aug 2022 18:48
    Reply # 12899150 on 12875542

    …and, bonus feature, should let the water run off the seat instead of pooling in the wrong places. Looking forward to winter (not!) to try that.

  • 19 Aug 2022 16:32
    Reply # 12889638 on 12875542

    John, your article was really interesting as I get hot everywhere!  Your follow up on the forum reminded me I should do something about it and I ordered the "Air-Flow Seat Cover Split Seat Set LC for R1250GS 2022", thinking I would take advantage of their apparently flexible return policy if needed.

    I only use the front seat of my split seat (there is a Pelican toolbox fitted in lieu of the rear set) and the Air-Flow was a perfect fit. I had to make sure the front holes and back tabs were left free for locking by pushing the Air-Flow edges around a bit but the appearance is perfect and, more importantly, there is a pleasant air flow (indeed) when riding around!

    I paid $71.95 with a %10 discount (FLOW10) and in my opinion it is well worth it... I just need to make sure I take it out for December rides!

  • 06 Aug 2022 14:25
    Message # 12875542

    My Airflow seat cover arrived today. Unfortunately it doesn't fit on my bike. It is twice as thick as the Amazon seat cover I mentioned in my article.  It wraps around the seat edges. This additional thickness prevents the seat on my bike from locking in position. 

    In my article I said that these seats were custom made. Unfortunately this is NOT TRUE. They have different sizes and select one that is the closest to your bike. 

    These seat covers will be fine if your seat will take a thicker cover around the edges without interfering with the tank/frame/whatever. If it will fit then I think do a good job keeping your butt cool. 

    Sorry for the misleading information. I should have waited before publishing the article.


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