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Navigator 6 (piece of crap)

  • 16 Aug 2022 04:50
    Reply # 12885172 on 12882876
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Here is a link for the adapter plate

    and a install video

    or if you want to simplify and will never go back to a nav


    Last modified: 16 Aug 2022 04:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 15 Aug 2022 13:26
    Reply # 12884643 on 12882876

    Thanks everyomne.  I ended up buying the Zumo XT from Amazon so it will arrive next day.   The Navigator 6 went back to Garmin to be replaced with another "recertified" unit.  For the life of me, I don't know why they don't just replace with a known working uniy=t like the upgraded one.  They go through a lot of these.

  • 15 Aug 2022 06:23
    Reply # 12883924 on 12882876
    Another option that I believe there are ROL route options for, is the Rever app,

    It's a phone app. From what I understand, because it uses a lot of battery power, your phone has to be connected to the battery pigtail while using it. I've never used it. I had a 660LM, Garmin's version of the Navigator. It was not reliable even with a reset and the newest maps uploaded. I also am not a fan of Basecamp. The original simple MapSource with my Zumo 550 were absolutely the best. Never had an issue. But that was 15 years ago.

    Last modified: 15 Aug 2022 06:27 | Anonymous member
  • 15 Aug 2022 06:23
    Reply # 12883922 on 12882876
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I bought an adapter plate to be able to use the zumo XT in the stock mount on the bike. Works great. Highly recommend the unit. The only thing I really miss is using the wunder wheel for zooming the map.  That’s the only issue I have with using the zumo.  I guess also the menus are a little different and finding POI on the route take a few more clicks but it’s something you get used to. 

  • 14 Aug 2022 07:12
    Reply # 12883202 on 12882876

    I had a TomTom 550 for about 3 years. It had some good points like not using  Garmin Basecamp, but then the screen went. Same with Fred Montano.

    if you want a motorcycle GPS then the only one is the Garmin XT. Check my review in Feb 2022 newsletter.

    the only other option is to go with a phone based app. I personally can’t recommend one - no personal experience . There is the BMW Motorad Connected Ride but check out Aug 2022 newsletter before deciding. 

    I am using a garmin XT right now


  • 13 Aug 2022 16:06
    Message # 12882876

    can the Navigator 6 be replaced by anything else and have it tie into the system?

    Of course just in time for the ROL my gps went berserk.  I need a reliable unit to follow.  Suggestions please.

    I can't trust Garmin.

    Comments on Tomtom 550?

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