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2002 R1150RT for Sale

  • 04 Sep 2022 21:17
    Message # 12906882

    I'm finally selling my 2002 R1150RT, which I should have sold back when I bought my 2015 K1600GT honestly...that was in 2016, so yeah...I've been procrastinating.  I ride it now and then, but truly not enough to justify the space it's taking up.  It should be ridden by someone who'll get more enjoyment out of it.  I'm the second owner, having bought it with around 2000 miles or thereabouts back in 2003.  The bike is in good overall shape with 39,632 miles on the odometer.  Because of some back surgery neither of my bikes has been ridden much the last two years, but I'm riding more again and going to stick with just the GT.  The bike runs well, but should probably have a fresh oil change.  I had the last one done at CalMoto.  All major service was professionally done.  I've only done oil changes now and again myself.  Always garaged and covered and left on a battery tender.

    No accidents, but it did a "no speed" tip over in my driveway a long time ago, so some minor left cylinder head abrasion and a whole lot of expletives.  I also had my right mirror pop off on the freeway because I didn't snap it on completely after a turn signal bulb change resulting in more expletives.  I got a salvage BMW mirror, but the color/finish isn't quite a solid match, but it looks fine.

    I have a signal minder installed, some inexpensive bag liners I've used on trips, the cover and such that will all be included.  No issues that I know of outside of the cosmetic ones I've mentioned.  Tires have a ton of miles left on them as well.

    I'm asking $3750 OBO.  I've not posted this on cycle trader as yet.


    6 files
    Last modified: 04 Sep 2022 21:32 | Anonymous
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