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Bar Risers, Vario Liners & misc for sale

  • 10 May 2019 3:40 PM
    Reply # 7334575 on 7334573
    Deleted user

    Oops.  I'm Brant Miller and reachable at

  • 10 May 2019 3:38 PM
    Message # 7334573
    Deleted user

    2014 R1200GS accessories for sale.

    1. Wunderlich Ergo Handlebar Risers, 40mm (41970-111).  Especially good for improving posture while standing on pegs.  Straightens back while seated.


    Never installed – I adapted to the bike rather than adapting it to me.

    New, $184.  Asking $100.


    2.  BMW Vario Case Liner Bags 77 49 8 536 210 and 77 49 8 536 711 (i.e., left and right).

    Never used.  New $138 each. Asking $70 each.


    3. Fluke 98 Automotive Scopemeter Series II

    In original case with all (near-all?) attachments.  Uses D-cell batteries, not the rechargeable battery.

    Lightly used.  Best for analyzing pre-computer engine systems.  See for some info on it.

    New, about $800.  I bought it as a demo for about  $450.  Asking $200.


    4. E-28, E-30, and E-34 Bently Manuals, Factory 1995 E-34 wiring diagram manual.  Other automotive stuff.  Ask if you are interested.

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