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Riding and camping Northern California and beyond, since 1965!

Election Meeting-Loyalton Rotary Park

  • 19 Jun 2021
  • 08:00
  • 20 Jun 2021
  • 09:00
  • Loyalton Rotary Park-Co Rte S860, Loyalton, CA 96118


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Tickets for folks who are current members in the BMW Club of Northern California
  • Tickets for folks who are Rally Members (owners of BMW Motorcycles who have attended one of our rallies) or guests


California is reopening and so is the Club!  We are restarting the club rides to the campout with breakfast at Black Bear Diner in Vacaville.  Breakfast is at 8 AM.  Please arrive with a full tank of gas and be ready to roll at 9 AM for the ride to Loyalton.  The designated route will take the backroads to Yuba City, then 49 out to Loyalton.  The ride is 200 miles long and should take about 4.5 hours not including breaks. We will stop in Downieville for a quick lunch.

The meeting and campout will be held at the Loyalton Rotary Park, just south of the town on the banks of Smithneck Creek.   We have a great BBQ meal planned. Note there is no running water at this site .  We will provide some bottled water but please bringing a few jugs of water as well to ensure you have enough water.  

The location provides an excellent jumping off point to the BMW MOA National Rally in Great Falls, MT.  If you are planing to attend the National, be sure and sign up on the rally site and  let us know by registering for our club event as well.  

This is our annual election meeting and all positions will be up for re-election this year with the President, Secretary, Historian and Treasurer serving a 1 year term and Vice President, Safety Directory and Tour Captain serving a 2 year term.  So please consider serving your fellow club members on the Board.  Reach out to any of the current Board Members for more details on roles, responsibilities, time committements etc.  We promise it's a rewarding role. 

June 2021 Club Ride.GPX

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